Sleep Consultant for Twins

First, I must get this out of the way. If you’re a parent or caregiver of twins or multiples, hats off to you! My mind cannot comprehend two of my daughter at this age, so I am simply amazed every time I see parents of multiples in the wild, doing the damn thing!

Okay. Now, on to the point of the blog. 

Sleep Consultant for Twins and Sleep Training

Sleep training twins versus singletons can be similar, however, there are some key differences that a sleep consultant for twins may change how you approach the process. The fundamentals at hand being timing, environment, parental response.

Syncing Schedules for Twins

If you’re reading this you may already have your twins in your arms, and know better than I do how important it is to get the babies on the same page when it comes to feeding, sleeping, and other routines, getting their schedules synced up so that parents don’t become overwhelmed or burnt out. With a singleton, you may let the baby lead a little bit on this (or a lot!). But imagine finally getting one baby to sleep to have the other one already waking up! 

The ticket to syncing their schedule is to go ahead and wake the other baby to eat as well, when you see one twin waking up ready to eat. (Within about 15 minutes-ish) Thankfully, babies thrive on regularity and routines, so finding a rhythm typically doesn’t take too long, once you start trying. More on starting a routine with a newborn here!

Sleep Training Twins in the Same Room

Each baby needs their own separate, safe sleep environment, AAP does not recommend your baby to bed share with parents, their twin, other siblings, or pets.

I do recommend keeping the twins together in the same room for sleep training if that’s your long-term goal. They will adapt to the sounds their twin makes and learn to sleep right through it. With that being said, if naps are just not going well, you may need to separate them temporarily to troubleshoot/get things back on track before reintroducing them to napping in the same room again. 

Best Method for Sleep Training Twins

When choosing a sleep training method for twins, you will want to choose the method you can be most consistent with for both babies. With singletons you may be able to slightly tailor the approach to your baby’s personality, but regardless of twins or singleton consistency is KEY. A more straightforward approach may be easier to implement in the long run.  More on choosing a sleep training method!

And lastly, when looking for results remember that each baby is unique! One twin may catch on quickly while the other needs a little bit more time to catch up. This is completely normal and all you need to do is keep the faith and stay the course. 

If you’re struggling with sleep training your twins and you’re not sure where to start, set up a no strings attached call and learn how we can support you!


Sleep Consultant for Newborn


Sleep Consultants for Toddlers