How to Help Toddler Sleep on Vacation

If you are like me and have family who live all over the country, chances are you travel at least 1x a year as a family!

Traveling as a family is a wonderful way to create lasting memories, explore new environments and take a break from routine. However, for some parents, the thought of disrupting the estabalished routine can be quite daunting!  For this blog post, I will discuss strategies and tips you can use to help your toddler sleep on vacation without compromising your toddler’s sleep schedule!

how to help toddler sleep on vacation

Prepare your child in advance to help toddler sleep on vacation:

  • Consider the time zones and how that can affect your child’s sleep patterns. 

  • Pack all the essentials to help your toddler feel comfortable: lovey, white noise machine, travel bumpers, favorite pillow / blanket.

  • Have a conversation with your toddler about traveling. Explain to them where they will be sleeping (if it is now in the same room as you, different room, with a friend or a sibling). 

  • Call the hotel / rental before traveling and get information on the sleep arrangements, pull out bed? Large crib?

Maintain their current routines and associations around sleep:

  • When you arrive stick to your bedtime routine. Even though you might not be able to follow the same timetable, recreate the same process. This familiarity can help your toddler adjust to the new environment and fall asleep more easily 

  • Set up the environment the same: use white noise, black out shades, 68-72 degree temperature

  • If your toddler is in a crib: keep them in a crib, if they are in a bed with bumpers, keep them in the bed with portable bumpers. If your child has outgrown the pack and play here are other choices:

Stay Flexible - this is one that I continue to work on!

  • You are your family are on vacation or traveling to see family / friends, this means  it is time to relax and enjoy - so being flexible is essential! If your toddler skips a nap, do an early bedtime. If he has an early morning, let him come have quiet time in your room while he waits for everyone else to get up for the day. Remember, a change in schedule for a few days will not undo all your sleep training efforts.

Be Patient:

  • Your toddler may have a hard time adjusting. Liam always has early mornings when we travel, it is EXPECTED at this point. Reassure your toddler and provide comfort if they are unsettled. 

getting toddler back on track after vacation

Get Back on Track After:

  • Once your travel is over, your toddler may need a few days to readjust to their regular schedule. As soon as you return home, reintroduce your normal routine. With consistency at home, your toddler will fall back into their regular sleep pattern pretty quickly.  Here is a blog on how to get back on track after travel.

Remember, every child is different, and what works for one might not work for another. The key to successfully managing your toddler's sleep schedule while on vacation is finding a balance between routine and relaxation. With a little bit of planning and a lot of patience, your family can enjoy a restful and fun-filled vacation.

Happy travels!


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