Should you sleep train before or after a trip?

Are you a parent torn between the desire to sleep train your child and a family trip looming on the horizon? It's a common dilemma, and one that can cause stress and uncertainty. This is actually a common question we answer on discovery calls all the time— the timing of sleep training with a trip!

We understand the importance of finding the right balance between improving your child's sleep habits and enjoying precious family time. Let's delve into the pros and cons of sleep training before and after a trip, helping you make an informed decision that suits your family's needs.

Sleep Training Before the Trip:


  1. Preparedness: By sleep training before the trip, you equip your child with the skills needed to sleep independently, potentially leading to smoother nights during your travels.

  2. Consistency: Establishing a routine before the trip helps maintain consistency, which is key for young children's sleep patterns.

  3. Confidence Boost: Successfully sleep training before the trip can boost your confidence as a parent, making you feel more prepared to handle any challenges that may arise during travel.


  1. Time Constraints: Depending on your child's age, the method you prefer, and current sleep habits, sleep training can take a few weeks to see significant improvements. This may add pressure if your trip is approaching rapidly.

  2. Adjustment Period: Your child may need time to adapt to the new sleep environment while traveling, potentially disrupting the progress made during sleep training.

  3. Potential Regression: Changes in routine and environment during the trip could lead to sleep regression, undoing some of the progress achieved through sleep training.

Sleep Training After the Trip:


  1. Relaxed Environment: Waiting until after the trip allows you to enjoy your vacation without the added stress of sleep training.

  2. Flexible Timeline: Postponing sleep training gives you the freedom to choose a more relaxed timeline, accommodating your family's schedule and commitments.

  3. Observation Opportunity: Traveling provides valuable insights into your child's sleep preferences and behaviors, which can inform your approach to sleep training upon returning home.


  1. Delayed Improvement: Postponing sleep training means enduring potentially restless nights during the trip, which can be exhausting for both you and your child.

  2. Lost Opportunity: Waiting to address sleep issues may prolong sleep deprivation and its associated effects on your family's well-being.

  3. Transition Challenges: Reverting to old sleep habits after the trip may pose challenges when reintroducing sleep training routines.

Handling Sleep During the Trip:

Regardless of when you choose to sleep train, managing sleep during the trip is crucial. Here are some tips:

  1. Stick to Routine: Try to maintain a consistent bedtime and nap schedule as much as possible, even while traveling.

  2. Create a Sleep-Friendly Environment: Pack familiar items such as blankets, stuffed animals, and white noise machines to help your child feel comfortable in a new sleep environment.

  3. Be Patient: Understand that travel can disrupt sleep temporarily, and be patient with your child as they adjust.

Ultimately, the decision to sleep train before or after a trip depends on your family's unique circumstances and preferences. At Heaven Sent Sleep, we offer personalized sleep solutions tailored to your goals and values. Our evidence-based, supportive approach ensures that you feel empowered and confident throughout the process. Let us guide you on your journey to better sleep and unforgettable family adventures.

We are always happy to chat through the timing of sleep training based on your family’s plans!


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